Friday 5 February 2016

Today - February 4th

Literary Elements :

Denotation & Connotation: To do with words and the meaning of words. The are important words to understand diction.
Denotation : looking at the literal, dictionary meaning of the words

Connotation: looks at the other words that we connect with the literal meaning.  All the things that we connect to the word.

ie. Summer

detonation: the period of the year that is the hottest, closest to the sun

connotation: no school, swimming, beach, camping, sleeping, vacation

Think about the hurricane in New Orleans with a critical eye.  Think about how we view the people in the picture by the circled words. How do the circled words affect your view of the people? How is the news paper using these words?

Now....think about slang, idioms and colloquialisms.  

Shared Class Activities 

Read in small groups, either quietly or together
Consider, Write, Share

1.Summarize to tell the class.

2. Identify the theme in your story.  

3. Where does it place the characters in the order of the world:  God, plants, animals

4. In what way might that theme impact how this culture interacts with their world?

Think about: Spirituality, Connection to Land, Humour, Wisdom of Elders

This activity will lead into either creating your own creation story or research a story from your own culture.

Common Themes in Creation Myths

  1. Importance of dreams
  2. creation of the world
  3. question existence and place in the world
  4. love and family- understanding power & the place of children
  5. nature as a more powerful force than humans
  6. god as all powerful
  7. power and lust for power
  8. guidance, decision making- how to live?
  9. family is forever- eternity through family
  10. power to create
  11. importance of oral history
  12. karma is a bitch - consequences of action/ disobedience (judgement )
  13. passage of time longer than humanity     

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